Meet Zoe, a bundle of joy. This is her story. Her message to all of us: "Never give up. Even when things get hard." In this video you will learn about her battle with Leukemia and her dream to become a marine biologist when she grows up. We painted an ocean themed mural in the room where she is currently sleeping, which is her parents master bedroom due to her cancer. Her bed was right against a corner which was perfect to make her be surrounded by water and sea creatures. Although this 9 year old girl can't have a bedroom of her own at the moment, she owns the most beautiful wall in her house! We love you Zoe!
Help us reach our starting goal of $10.000
In December 2020 we launched our first fundraiser campaign with GoFundMe. To start being able to offer murals to families with critically ill children we need money to pay the artists, build a professional website through which people can donate on a recurring base, and we need to produce promotional videos of the first murals to be able to show the world who we are and what we do! Please consider donating if you can.
Mural Wish
My nonprofit vision is to paint murals for underserved critically-ill children from low-income families. With an understanding that caring for a critically-ill child includes a lot of time and money from parents, I wants to raise funds to cover expenses to paint these murals free of charge. While it is critical that these families receive support services such as financial assistance and basic needs, a child receiving a personalized painted wall in their room – where they must spend a majority of their time due to illness – may be the spirit lifting support they need to continue to fight.
In November 2020 MURAL WISH was born! A 501(c)3 non profit corporation that provides spirit lifting support through mural artwork that empowers critically ill children to continue to fight.
Help MURAL WISH grow into a unique non profit that links professional artists with families of critically ill children and donates spirit lifting murals. All a child wants is to be happy!
Click on the video below to know more!